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​Is it really cyberbulling, if...?

Many time kids and parents are not really sure if they are experiencing "cyberbulling". What does it look like?  Is it teasing or is it really bullying?

These are the most common forms...

Sending mean, vulgar or threatening messages online or via text.

Posting private or sensitive information about someone, including pictures or video

Pretending to be someone else in order to make someone look bad

Spreading lies or rumors

Tricking someone into revealing personal information

Excluding someone from an online group, such as a gaming site

Taking a negative poll and voting on a website. (ex. fattest, ugliest....)

What is Cyberbullying?

This new method of bullying, referred to as cyberbullying, includes chat rooms, social networks, instant messaging, emails, web-cams, websites such as “YouTube” and text messaging.

This emerging form of bullying consists of intimidation, threats, posting personal information and other hostile behavior with the intent to inflict harm

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